Tales From Armageddonsville
"A feather in their cap and a cap in their ass" -The Terminator
The album
Released in 2018, Tales from Armageddonsville is a Brit-rock, alt/indie journey exploring voices in the modern world.
Their debut opens with a shotgun blast at racism and inequality with ‘Tarred and Feathered.’ It kicks out at the not so subtle brainwashing of populations in ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’. ‘In God We Trust?’ asks if God can’t save us then who will? We detour into mental illness and isolation for ‘I Can’t Change Your Mind.’ Marriage breakdown is the subject of ‘Going Solo,’ a grungy lo-fi rocker. The loneliness of ‘Chords Played All Wrong’ ends optimistically. Welsh icons are the focus of ‘Blackwood Calling’ while ‘Helen Needs’ examines the tendency to overlook the good things and focus on the negatives in life. ‘Whore?’ deconstructs the modern Western family and asks why so many suffer to give us a standard of living. ‘Catechisms/Cataclysms’ prompts us to change our world. The album closes with ‘Armageddonsville,’ a rocker warning of the consequence of inaction.

Revolution Rabbit Deluxe’s very own mascot: Che G’bunny
Where to listen
There are all kinds of places to listen and/or buy RRD tunes.
Apple Music
Listen and/or buy from iTunes.
Listen and/or buy on Amazon.
Listen on Spotify.