Tales From Armageddonsville​

"A feather in their cap and a cap in their ass" -The Terminator

The album

Released in 2018, Tales from Armageddonsville is a Brit-rock, alt/indie journey exploring voices in the modern world.

The debut album opens with a shotgun blast at racism and inequality with ‘Tarred and Feathered.’ It kicks out at the not so subtle brainwashing of populations in ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’. ‘In God We Trust?’ asks if God can’t save us then who will? We detour into mental illness and isolation for ‘I Can’t Change Your Mind.’ Marriage breakdown is the subject of ‘Going Solo,’ a grungy lo-fi rocker. The loneliness of ‘Chords Played All Wrong’ ends optimistically. Welsh icons are the focus of ‘Blackwood Calling’ while ‘Helen Needs’ examines the tendency to overlook the good things and focus on the negatives in life. ‘Whore?’ deconstructs the modern Western family and asks why so many suffer to give us our standard of living. ‘Catechisms/Cataclysms’ prompts us to change our world. The album closes with ‘Armageddonsville,’ a rocker warning us of the consequence of inaction.

Viva la revolution!

Revolution Rabbit Deluxe’s very own mascot: Che G’bunny

Where to listen

There are all kinds of places to listen and/or buy RRD tunes.

Apple Music

Listen and/or buy from iTunes.


Listen and/or buy on Amazon.


Listen on Spotify.

The Reviews

Tales From Armageddonsville – 14th September 2018 – David Jandrell (Author)

I pressed play on my CD player with trepidation – I’m a stuffy old progger who expects 40-minute introductions to the two tracks that normally fill to capacity the CDs that I listen to. “Too many tracks on this,” I thought.

Anyway, it was a breath of fresh air for me. Difficult to tie down to a genre which most people feel compelled to do when hearing something for a first time. I think this is unfair which is why I didn’t do it – but, if I was of that bent, I wouldn’t be able to classify it. It is just good, punchy, well-written and well-played songs which begs to be replayed over and over.

It’s very diverse – which I like. Tempo changes, key changes, off at a tangent stuff. Very interesting to listen to and perfectly structured to maintain interest.

Elements of prog here, punk, 60s vibes, 80s and 90s tinges but so well incorporated into the songs that they fit perfectly. And, I still am not 100% convinced that Lennon is not singing on ‘Going Solo.’ Great stuff – well done.

Tales from Armageddonsville – November 24th 2018 – Eclectic Music Lover


It was a pleasant surprise to be contacted by Welsh band Revolution Rabbit Deluxe about their debut album Tales From Armageddonsville. I was intrigued by the lively, Brit-rock sound and its thought-provoking lyrics. RRD began as a solo act by vocalist Rev Rab (RR), but quickly became a full band.

The album kicks off to a rousing start with “Tarred and Feathered,” a pointed attack on racism and inequality institutionalised by the state: “When you’re judge and jury; to approve by not disapproving. Our best qualities are arrogance and pride.” The band delivers chugging riffs of gritty guitars set to a hard-driving beat and strutting bass line. The piano provides a melodic counterpoint to the guitar, making for an exciting and powerful song.

The band takes on cultural and media mind-control with “Pavlov’s Dogs,” driving home the message with a barrage of punchy guitars, fuzzy riffs, screeching synths and thumping drumbeats. RR laments the false expectations we fall victim to: “See that girl, she’s so unhappy. Thinks her life should be like the silver screen. Sometimes she wants to scream. That video is so seductive. Feeds the dream, but denies the means.”

One of my favourite tracks is “In God We Trust,” a song that calls into question one’s faith in God with an air that exists somewhere between a catchy Beach Boys-esque vibe and a darker psychedelic tone. RR implores “Save me, why don’t you save me?” He goes on to ask why not save an assortment of people that society deems ‘undesirable’ – like the hookers, pushers, pimps, dealers, the one-parent family and union moguls. He finally caustically beseeches “And while you’re at it, you can save the man. And while you’re at it, save the man in the moon!

I Can’t Change Your Mind” speaks to mental illness, with jangly guitars and spooky synths that lend a strong 80s feel. RR laments his loneliness and irrelevance: “I’m alone here in the dark. Please don’t throw me scraps of hope. Fade away, I fade away. A shadow lost on sunny days.” A backing chorus sings the refrain “I cannot take much more. I cannot change your mind” throughout.

The terrific lo-fi guitar-driven tracks “Going Solo” and “Chords Played All Wrong” would have been right at home on the Beatles’ White Album, and “Blackwood Calling” has a throwback 60s Brit-rock vibe, but with 80s New Wave sensibility. More grungy lo-fi goodness abounds on “Helen Needs,” a song about a woman looking for relief from her negativity and self-pity. “Helen needs another love song. Spitting sweetness from her headphones.” I especially like the quirky little guitar notes and powerful drumbeat that continue throughout the track.

Another favourite is the hard-hitting and provocative “Whore?” – a song that, in the band’s words, “deconstructs the modern Western family and asks why so many people in the Third World suffer to give us our standard of living.” “Your perfect family, for you it’s milk and honey, while for others it’s a river of blood.” The song has a bit of a Depeche Mode vibe, with its strong, crunchy guitars, spacey synths and the kind of heavy, mesmerising beat I love.

Catechisms/Cataclysms” urges us to change our ways for the betterment of the world, delivered with a barrage of gritty guitars and a hard-driving beat. Armageddonsville” closes the album with an ominous warning of the consequences of our wicked ways. The track opens with late 80s-sounding techno synths and a strummed guitar as RR cautions: “It’s getting hotter and they say we’re gonna fry. The ice is melting, polar bears are gonna die. Spilling blood for oil, it makes me want to cry.” The guitars, bass and drums intensify to become a tumultuous onslaught, driving home the seriousness of the subject matter. RR wails “Welcome stranger, take a seat and say a prayer. There’s nothing else to do in Armageddonsville.

Tales From Armageddonsville is a fine work, and succeeds as a concept album that speaks to a number of thorny issues currently facing Western societies. The songwriting, lyrics, instrumentation and arrangements are all exceptional, and I enjoyed immensely.

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Tales from ArmageddonsvilleOctober 12th 2018 – ANR Factory


If you’ve ever thought that the Beatles would sound better with extra crunchy distortion it’s safe to say Revolution Rabbit Deluxe’s standout single “Going Solo” from their latest album “Tales From Armageddonsville” will be right up your street.

Going Solo has a psychedelic drive complemented by fuzzy distortion which bleeds from the electric guitar as it seamlessly yet raucously glides through the chord progressions. It’s almost a little ironic that the next track on the album is “Chords Played All Wrong.” Irony aside, with riffs which would be at home in a Metal track, yet with an archetypical Psychedelic Pop Rock Vocals, you’re treated to a smorgasbord of elements which no one can deny is prodigal.

Review by Amelia Vandergast

Tales from ArmageddonsvilleJanuary 19th 2018Lost in a Sea of Sound Blog

Tales From Armageddonsville is a heavy testimony. Psychedelic influenced rock music filled with observations about the current state of our social structure. Founder Rev Rab started off on a solo journey of song writing and guitar playing. He was joined by Ben, Dan and Nick all contributing to vocals and adding bass, guitar and drums respectively. Maybe the additional musicians are the “Deluxe” of the band’s current name. Together the artists have combined with a driving sound filled with passion and energy,

Trying to classify the sound of Revolution Rabbit Deluxe is a tough task. Their melodies seem to cross genres and decades, pulling from a wide array of influences and emotions. This makes comparing Tales From Armageddonsville to other albums or bands is a lost endeavour. But finally without hesitation, Lost in a Sea of Sound has one of the only chances of referencing a much-listened-to band from the same city. The ties are their Cardiff roots, well written music and solid rock sound, but Budgie has to be mentioned. These bands sound nothing alike but both possess a love for a heavier sound with well written lyrics and diverse tracks. Replace the metal with a modified lighter alloy and age it for over forty years, and you get Budgie’s Stranded mutating into Going Solo. One thing for certain, the lyrics on Tales From Armageddonsville are much heavier than the metal rock writing of the past.

Self released and available on most every digital platform. Physical copies in compact disc form are available from the band at RevolutionRabbitDeluxe (at) gmail.com

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Tales from Armageddonsville – February 2019 – SoundBoard Magazine Issue 3